Monday, June 4, 2012

Spring 2012: Electricity and Kitchen Counters

I've often said that electricians make too much, because I don't think the job is rocket science.  However, after wiring most of my house, I've decided that their experience makes up for the relative simplicity of the job at hand.  It probably boils down to planning and rules of thumb, more than anything else, but those two things alone are the difference between a professional taking a weekend to wire a house and a month for your average DIY guy.  Afterthought lighting and outlet locations, as well as tricky light switching are the time killers, but all in all, I'm still glad I did it myself.  I haven't had the rough-in inspection yet...still some loose ends to tie off, and I already know I'll fail the first inspection - most everyone does.

Before I could finish wiring the kitchen, I had to build the counter, because there are special rules for spacing of outlets in the kitchen.  It was about time to design the kitchen layout anyway, so this is the rough counter layout.  The stove and fridge will be on the right, against the half-wall.  The sink will be under the window - which may have to be changed out for one that opens.  I like the wide open area, and all the countertop space.